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摘要: 原创出处 http://niocoder.com/2018/01/20/Spring-Security源码分析十-初识Spring-Security-OAuth2/ 「龙飞」欢迎转载,保留摘要,谢谢!


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OAuth 是一个开放标准,允许用户让第三方应用访问该用户在某一网站上存储的私密的资源(如照片,视频,联系人列表),而不需要将用户名和密码提供给第三方应用。OAuth允许用户提供一个令牌,而不是用户名和密码来访问他们存放在特定服务提供者的数据。每一个令牌授权一个特定的网站在特定的时段内访问特定的资源。这样,OAuth让用户可以授权第三方网站访问他们存储在另外服务提供者的某些特定信息。更多OAuth2请参考理解OAuth 2.0

1. 项目准备

  1. 添加依赖


  2. 配置认证服务器

    public class MerryyouAuthorizationServerConfig {


  3. 配置资源服务器

    public class MerryyouResourceServerConfig {

  4. 配置application.yml客户端信息(不配置的话,控制台会默认打印clientid和clietSecret)

    client-id: merryyou
    client-secret: merryyou

  5. 定义MyUserDetailsService

    public class MyUserDetailsService implements UserDetailsService {

    public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
    return new User(username, "123456", AuthorityUtils.commaSeparatedStringToAuthorityList("ROLE_USER"));

  6. 添加测试类SecurityOauth2Test(用户名密码模式)

    public class SecurityOauth2Test {
    final static long PORT = 9090;
    final static String CLIENT_ID = "merryyou";
    final static String CLIENT_SECRET = "merryyou";
    final static String USERNAME = "admin";
    final static String PASSWORD = "123456";
    final static String TOKEN_REQUEST_URI = "http://localhost:"+PORT+"/oauth/token?grant_type=password&username=" + USERNAME + "&password=" + PASSWORD+"&scope=all";
    final static String USER_INFO_URI = "http://localhost:"+PORT+"/user";

    public void getUserInfo() throws Exception{
    RestTemplate rest = new RestTemplate();
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.add( "authorization", "Bearer " + getAccessToken() );
    HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(null, headers);
    // pay attention, if using get with headers, should use exchange instead of getForEntity / getForObject
    ResponseEntity<String> result = rest.exchange( USER_INFO_URI, HttpMethod.GET, entity, String.class, new Object[]{ null } );

    * 获取accessToken
    * @return
    private String getAccessToken(){
    RestTemplate rest = new RestTemplate();
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.setContentType( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN );
    headers.add("authorization", getBasicAuthHeader());
    HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(null, headers);
    ResponseEntity<OAuth2AccessToken> resp = rest.postForEntity( TOKEN_REQUEST_URI, entity, OAuth2AccessToken.class);
    if( !resp.getStatusCode().equals( HttpStatus.OK )){
    throw new RuntimeException( resp.toString() );
    OAuth2AccessToken t = resp.getBody();
    log.info("the response, access_token: " + t.getValue() +"; token_type: " + t.getTokenType() +"; "
    + "refresh_token: " + t.getRefreshToken() +"; expiration: " + t.getExpiresIn() +", expired when:" + t.getExpiration() );
    return t.getValue();


    * 构建header
    * @return
    private String getBasicAuthHeader(){
    String auth = CLIENT_ID + ":" + CLIENT_SECRET;
    byte[] encodedAuth = Base64.encodeBase64(auth.getBytes());
    String authHeader = "Basic " + new String(encodedAuth);
    return authHeader;


授权链接: http://localhost:9090/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=merryyou&redirect_uri=http://merryyou.cn&scope=all



2018-01-20 18:16:49.900  INFO 16136 --- [           main] cn.merryyou.security.SecurityOauth2Test  : accessToken={
"value": "8e5ea72c-d153-48f5-8ee7-9b5616fc43dc",
"expiration": "Jan 21, 2018 6:10:25 AM",
"tokenType": "bearer",
"refreshToken": {
"value": "7adfefec-c80c-4ff4-913c-4f161c47fbf1"
"scope": [
"additionalInformation": {}

2. spring security oauth2 登录核心源码


2.1 TokenEndpoint

@RequestMapping(value = "/oauth/token", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<OAuth2AccessToken> postAccessToken(Principal principal, @RequestParam
Map<String, String> parameters) throws HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException {

if (!(principal instanceof Authentication)) {
throw new InsufficientAuthenticationException(
"There is no client authentication. Try adding an appropriate authentication filter.");
String clientId = getClientId(principal);
ClientDetails authenticatedClient = getClientDetailsService().loadClientByClientId(clientId);
TokenRequest tokenRequest = getOAuth2RequestFactory().createTokenRequest(parameters, authenticatedClient);
if (clientId != null && !clientId.equals("")) {
// Only validate the client details if a client authenticated during this
// request.
if (!clientId.equals(tokenRequest.getClientId())) {
// double check to make sure that the client ID in the token request is the same as that in the
// authenticated client
throw new InvalidClientException("Given client ID does not match authenticated client");
if (authenticatedClient != null) {
oAuth2RequestValidator.validateScope(tokenRequest, authenticatedClient);
if (!StringUtils.hasText(tokenRequest.getGrantType())) {
throw new InvalidRequestException("Missing grant type");
if (tokenRequest.getGrantType().equals("implicit")) {
throw new InvalidGrantException("Implicit grant type not supported from token endpoint");
if (isAuthCodeRequest(parameters)) {
// The scope was requested or determined during the authorization step
if (!tokenRequest.getScope().isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("Clearing scope of incoming token request");
tokenRequest.setScope(Collections.<String> emptySet());
if (isRefreshTokenRequest(parameters)) {
// A refresh token has its own default scopes, so we should ignore any added by the factory here.
OAuth2AccessToken token = getTokenGranter().grant(tokenRequest.getGrantType(), tokenRequest);
if (token == null) {
throw new UnsupportedGrantTypeException("Unsupported grant type: " + tokenRequest.getGrantType());

return getResponse(token);


2.1.1 ClientDetails


2.1.2 TokenRequest


2.2 CompositeTokenGranter#grant

public OAuth2AccessToken grant(String grantType, TokenRequest tokenRequest) {
for (TokenGranter granter : tokenGranters) {
OAuth2AccessToken grant = granter.grant(grantType, tokenRequest);
if (grant!=null) {
return grant;
return null;

2.2.1 tokenGranters


2.3 AbstractTokenGranter#grant

public OAuth2AccessToken grant(String grantType, TokenRequest tokenRequest) {
if (!this.grantType.equals(grantType)) {
return null;
String clientId = tokenRequest.getClientId();
ClientDetails client = clientDetailsService.loadClientByClientId(clientId);
validateGrantType(grantType, client);

logger.debug("Getting access token for: " + clientId);
return getAccessToken(client, tokenRequest);


2.4 AbstractTokenGranter#getAccessToken

protected OAuth2AccessToken getAccessToken(ClientDetails client, TokenRequest tokenRequest) {
return tokenServices.createAccessToken(getOAuth2Authentication(client, tokenRequest));

2.5 DefaultTokenServices#createAccessToken

public OAuth2AccessToken createAccessToken(OAuth2Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException {
//从tokenStore获取OAuth2AccessToken (如果令牌存在,不同的授权模式下将返回同一个令牌)
OAuth2AccessToken existingAccessToken = tokenStore.getAccessToken(authentication);
OAuth2RefreshToken refreshToken = null;
if (existingAccessToken != null) {
if (existingAccessToken.isExpired()) {
if (existingAccessToken.getRefreshToken() != null) {
refreshToken = existingAccessToken.getRefreshToken();
// The token store could remove the refresh token when the
// access token is removed, but we want to
// be sure...

else {
// Re-store the access token in case the authentication has changed
tokenStore.storeAccessToken(existingAccessToken, authentication);
return existingAccessToken;

// Only create a new refresh token if there wasn't an existing one
// associated with an expired access token.
// Clients might be holding existing refresh tokens, so we re-use it in
// the case that the old access token
// expired.
if (refreshToken == null) {
refreshToken = createRefreshToken(authentication);
// But the refresh token itself might need to be re-issued if it has
// expired.
else if (refreshToken instanceof ExpiringOAuth2RefreshToken) {
ExpiringOAuth2RefreshToken expiring = (ExpiringOAuth2RefreshToken) refreshToken;
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > expiring.getExpiration().getTime()) {
refreshToken = createRefreshToken(authentication);
OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = createAccessToken(authentication, refreshToken);
tokenStore.storeAccessToken(accessToken, authentication);
// In case it was modified
refreshToken = accessToken.getRefreshToken();
if (refreshToken != null) {
tokenStore.storeRefreshToken(refreshToken, authentication);
return accessToken;


3. 代码下载

从我的 github 中下载,https://github.com/longfeizheng/security-oauth2

  1. 1. 1. 项目准备
  2. 2. 2. spring security oauth2 登录核心源码
    1. 2.1. 2.1 TokenEndpoint
      1. 2.1.1. 2.1.1 ClientDetails
      2. 2.1.2. 2.1.2 TokenRequest
    2. 2.2. 2.2 CompositeTokenGranter#grant
      1. 2.2.1. 2.2.1 tokenGranters
    3. 2.3. 2.3 AbstractTokenGranter#grant
    4. 2.4. 2.4 AbstractTokenGranter#getAccessToken
    5. 2.5. 2.5 DefaultTokenServices#createAccessToken
  3. 3. 3. 代码下载